Andy Patterson
&MG, Author
Basement School
When my boys were little we’d gone through every book in the house a million times, so I started making up my own stories. There was one story in particular that really caught their attention, I called Basement School. It soon took on a life of its own. My youngest sat up in bed one night and said “Dad, you should make this into a book”. We tend to see the world through our children’s eyes. So I did.
The stories started writing themselves.
My oldest then said, you should write some music for it. So I did. Check out our promotional music video for our first book, Basement School. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vigC2EVLMW4&t=6s
I have been a public school band director for 30 years. Musician/composer and arranger. I have published works for school orchestra and band. I’ve written music for radio commercials and arranged music for a musical.
Although I spin a good yarn I never saw myself as a children’s book author, but here we are. Life’s funny.